Solutions for the Marine Market

Main Propulsion


Ameriflex® Diaphragm Couplings


Since its introduction in 1971, the Ameriflex multiple convoluted diaphragm coupling has continued to set new standards for life and reliability in high performance machinery applications. Today, by using the latest design and manufacturing technology, Ameridrives Couplings is able to offer increased diaphragm coupling performance without compromising this outstanding reliability.

Advanced analysis and manufacturing processes have produced increased ratings without reducing safety factors. The use of the latest finite element analysis methods verified by strain gage and dynamic testing has allowed for a more precise calculation of the Ameriflex diaphragm stresses.

    • Designed for infinite life High torque to diameter and weight ratio 
    • Diaphragms are 15-5PH stainless steel
    • Diaphragms are shot-peened for improved fatigue strength and corrosion resistance 
    • Low bending moments and axial force result in lower bearing loads 
    • High axial travel Multiple separated diaphragms provide a built in safety feature.
    • Failure is gradual with reduced offset stress in remaining diaphragms
    • Design flexibility by changing the number of diaphragms 
    • Field replaceable flex-element assemblies API-671 Compliant